SIC Code of Logging

List of economic activities includes in SIC Class 0220

Class 0220 - SIC Code

Hierarchy of Class 0220

List of terms related whith SIC Code 0220

What activities does the Class 0220 contain?

This class includes:

~ production of roundwood for forest-based manufacturing industries

~ production of roundwood used in an unprocessed form such as pit-props, fence posts and utility poles

~ gathering and production of fire wood

~ production of charcoal in the forest (using traditional methods)

The output of this activity can take the form of logs, chips or fire wood.

What activities does not the Class 0220 contain?

This class excludes:

~ growing of Christmas trees, see 0129

~ growing of standing timber: planting, replanting, transplanting, thinning and conserving of forests and timber tracts, see 0210

~ gathering of wild growing non-wood forest products, see 0230

~ production of wood chips and particles, not associated with logging, see 1610

~ production of charcoal through distillation of wood, see 2011