Class 5621 of SIC System

What economic activities does SIC Code 5621 include?

Class 5621 SIC

Hierarchy of Class 5621

  • Section IAccommodation and food service activities
  • Division 56Food and beverage service activities
  • Group 562Event catering and other food service activities
  • Class 5621Event catering

List of terms related whith SIC Code 5621

What activities does the Class 5621 contain?

This class includes the provision of food services based on contractual arrangements with the customer, at the location specified by the customer, for a specific event.

This class includes:

~ event catering

What activities does not the Class 5621 contain?

This class excludes:

~ manufacture of perishable food items for resale, see 1079

~ retail sale of perishable food items, see division 47