List of SIC Activities that contain "golf accessoires"

If you need a list of SIC activities related with the query "golf accessoires", in this page you have a selection of best results

Searching for "GOLF ACCESSOIRES" into SIC

Our internal search engine shows all items that contain the query "golf accessoires" in the title or the explanation of all SIC items.

There are 5 results searching for your query: GOLF ACCESSOIRES

  • Manufacture of motor vehicles
    ... of other motor vehicles: . snowmobiles, GOLF carts, amphibious vehicles . fire engines, ...
    Class 2910
  • Landscape care and maintenance service activities
    ... sports grounds (e. g. football fields, GOLF courses etc. ), play grounds, lawns for ...
    Class 8130
  • Education
    ... and recreational activities such as bridge or GOLF and education support ...
    Section P
  • Operation of sports facilities
    ... stadiums . ice-hockey arenas . boxing arenas . GOLF courses . bowling lanes . fitness centers - ...
    Class 9311
  • Activities of sports clubs
    ... clubs . bowling clubs . swimming clubs . GOLF clubs . boxing clubs . body-building clubs . ...
    Class 9312