List of SIC Activities that contain "painting decorating"

If you need a list of SIC activities related with the query "painting decorating", in this page you have a selection of best results

Searching for "PAINTING DECORATING" into SIC

Our internal search engine shows all items that contain the query "painting decorating" in the title or the explanation of all SIC items.

There are 5 results searching for your query: PAINTING DECORATING

  • Manufacture of furniture
    ... seats - finishing of furniture such as spraying, PAINTING, French polishing and upholstering - manufacture ...
    Class 3100
  • Construction of roads and railways
    ... or tunnels: . asphalt paving of roads . road PAINTING and other marking . installation of crash ...
    Class 4210
  • Specialized construction activities
    ... of a construction such as glazing, plastering, PAINTING, floor and wall tiling or covering with other ...
    Division 43
  • Building completion and finishing
    ... coverings . wallpaper - interior and exterior PAINTING of buildings - PAINTING of civil engineering ...
    Class 4330
  • Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
    ... parts . washing, polishing, etc. . spraying and PAINTING . repair of screens and windows . repair of ...
    Class 4520