Our internal search engine shows all items that contain the query "owner company" in the title or the explanation of all SIC items.
There are 6 results searching for your query: OWNER COMPANY
- Specialized construction activities
... repair construction it is done directly for the OWNER of the property.
Also included are building ...
Division 43 - Legal and accounting activities
... or similar documents in connection with COMPANY formation, patents and copyrights, preparation ...
Division 69 - Legal activities
... or similar documents in connection with COMPANY formation
. patents and copyrights
. preparation ...
Class 6910 - Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities
... and managing of other units of the same COMPANY or enterprise, i. e. the activities of head ...
Division 70
- Activities of head offices
... overseeing and managing of other units of the COMPANY or enterprise; undertaking the strategic or ...
Class 7010 - Leasing of intellectual property and similar products, except copyrighted works
... royalty payment or licensing fee is paid to the OWNER of the product (i. e. the asset holder). The ...
Class 7740