Our internal search engine shows all items that contain the query "pools" in the title or the explanation of all SIC items.
There are 5 results searching for your query: POOLS
- Sewerage
... vehicles etc. )
- emptying and cleaning of cessPOOLS and septic tanks, sinks and pits from sewage; ...
Class 3700 - Other specialized construction activities
... work
- construction of outdoor swimming POOLS
- steam cleaning, sand blasting and similar ...
Class 4390 - Short term accommodation activities
... services, parking, laundry services, swimming POOLS and exercise rooms, recreational facilities and ...
Class 5510 - Landscape care and maintenance service activities
... (basins, alternating wet areas, ponds, swimming POOLS, ditches, watercourses, plant sewage systems)
. ...
Class 8130
- Operation of sports facilities
... racetracks for auto, dog, horse races
. swimming POOLS and stadiums
. track and field stadiums
. winter ...
Class 9311