Our internal search engine shows all items that contain the query "telecommunications" in the title or the explanation of all SIC items.
There are 16 results searching for your query: TELECOMMUNICATIONS
- Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment
... and electrical signals (including for TELECOMMUNICATIONS)
- manufacture of radiation detection and ...
Class 2651 - Electrical installation
... of:
. electrical wiring and fittings
. computer network and cable television ...
Class 4321 - Wholesale of machinery, equipment and supplies
... group includes the wholesale of computers, TELECOMMUNICATIONS equipment, specialized machinery for all kinds of ...
Group 465 - Wholesale of electronic and TELECOMMUNICATIONS equipment and parts
Class 4652
- Retail sale of information and communications equipment in specialized stores
... such as computers and peripheral equipment, TELECOMMUNICATIONS equipment and consumer electronics, by ...
Group 474 - Retail sale of computers, peripheral units, software and TELECOMMUNICATIONS equipment in specialized stores
Class 4741 - Information and communication
... and programming activities (division 60), TELECOMMUNICATIONS activities (division 61) and information ...
Section J - Telecommunications
... division includes the activities of providing TELECOMMUNICATIONS and related service activities, i. e. ...
Division 61 - Wired TELECOMMUNICATIONS activities
Group 611 - Wired TELECOMMUNICATIONS activities
... voice, data, text, sound and video using a wired TELECOMMUNICATIONS infrastructure, including:
. operating and ...
Class 6110
- Wireless TELECOMMUNICATIONS activities
Group 612 - Wireless TELECOMMUNICATIONS activities
... data, text, sound, and video using a wireless TELECOMMUNICATIONS infrastructure
- maintaining and operating ...
Class 6120 - Satellite TELECOMMUNICATIONS activities
Group 613 - Satellite TELECOMMUNICATIONS activities
... data, text, sound and video using a satellite TELECOMMUNICATIONS infrastructure
- delivery of visual, aural or ...
Class 6130 - Other TELECOMMUNICATIONS activities
Group 619 - Other TELECOMMUNICATIONS activities
... class includes:
- provision of specialized TELECOMMUNICATIONS applications, such as satellite tracking, ...
Class 6190