Our internal search engine shows all items that contain the query "woven" in the title or the explanation of all SIC items.
There are 6 results searching for your query: WOVEN
- Weaving of textiles
... class includes:
- manufacture of broad WOVEN cotton-type, woollen-type, worsted-type or silk-type ...
Class 1312 - Manufacture of other textiles
... textile articles, carpets and rugs, rope, narrow WOVEN fabrics, trimmings ...
Group 139 - Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel
... part of electric blankets
- manufacture of hand-WOVEN tapestries
- manufacture of tire ...
Class 1392 - Manufacture of other textiles n.e.c.
... class includes:
- manufacture of narrow WOVEN fabrics, including fabrics consisting of warp ...
Class 1399
- Manufacture of wearing apparel, except fur apparel
... wear
- manufacture of other outerwear made of WOVEN, knitted or crocheted fabric, non-wovens etc. ...
Class 1410 - Manufacture of glass and glass products
... of glass fibres, including glass wool and non-WOVEN products thereof
- manufacture of laboratory, ...
Class 2310