List of Economic Activities by word: complete

If you are searching for an Economic Activity corresponding to "complete" here you have a list of SIC items for this word

Economic Activities for complete

There are 12 Economic Activities in all levels that containg the word "COMPLETE" in their name or detailed description. Have you that what you are searching for?

  • Class 4100
    Construction of buildings
    This class includes the construction of COMPLETE residential or non-residential buildings, on own account for sale or on a fee or contract basis. Outsourcing parts or even the whole construction process is possible. If only specialized parts of the construction process are carried out, the activity is classified in division 43.

    This class includes:
    ~ construction of all types of residential buildings:
    ~ single-family houses
    ~ multi-family buildings, including high-rise buildings
    ~ construction of all types of non-residential buildings:
    ~ buildings for industrial production, e.g. factories, workshops, assembly plants etc.
    ~ hospitals, schools, office buildings
    ~ hotels, stores, shopping malls, restaurants
    ~ airport buildings
    ~ indoor sports facilities
    ~ parking garages, including underground parking garages
    ~ warehouses
    ~ religious buildings
    ~ assembly and erection of prefabricated constructions on the site

    This class also includes:
    ~ remodeling or renovating existing residential structures

  • Class 5510
    Short term accommodation activities
    This class includes the provision of accommodation, typically on a daily or weekly basis, principally for short stay by visitors. This includes the provision of furnished accommodation in guest rooms and suites or COMPLETE self-contained units with kitchens, with or without daily or other regular housekeeping services, and may often include a range of additional services such as food and beverage services, parking, laundry services, swimming pools and exercise rooms, recreational facilities and conference and convention facilities.

    This class includes the provision of short-term accommodation provided by:
    ~ hotels
    ~ resort hotels
    ~ suite / apartment hotels
    ~ motels
    ~ motor hotels
    ~ guesthouses
    ~ pensions
    ~ bed and breakfast units
    ~ visitor flats and bungalows
    ~ time-share units
    ~ holiday homes
    ~ chalets, housekeeping cottages and cabins
    ~ youth hostels and mountain refuges

  • Class 6020
    Television programming and broadcasting activities
    This class includes:
    ~ creation of a COMPLETE television channel programme, from purchased programme components (e.g. movies, documentaries etc.), self produced programme components (e.g. local news, live reports) or a combination thereof

    This COMPLETE television programme can be either broadcast by the producing unit or produced for transmission by third party distributors, such as cable companies or satellite television providers.
    The programming may be of a general or specialized nature (e.g. limited formats such as news, sports, education or youth oriented programming), may be made freely available to users or may be available only on a subscription basis.

    This class also includes:
    ~ programming of video-on-demand channels
    ~ data broadcasting integrated with television broadcasting

  • Class 6311
    Data processing, hosting and related activities
    This class includes:
    ~ provision of infrastructure for hosting, data processing services and related activities
    ~ specialized hosting activities such as:
    ~ Web hosting
    ~ streaming services
    ~ application hosting
    ~ application service provisioning
    ~ general time-share provision of mainframe facilities to clients
    ~ data processing activities:
    ~ COMPLETE processing of data supplied by clients
    ~ generation of specialized reports from data supplied by clients
    ~ provision of data entry services

  • Class 7120
    Technical testing and analysis
    This class includes:
    ~ performance of physical, chemical and other analytical testing of all types of materials and products (see below for exceptions):
    ~ acoustics and vibration testing
    ~ testing of composition and purity of minerals etc.
    ~ testing activities in the field of food hygiene, including veterinary testing and control in relation to food production
    ~ testing of physical characteristics and performance of materials, such as strength, thickness, durability, radioactivity etc.
    ~ qualification and reliability testing
    ~ performance testing of COMPLETE machinery: motors, automobiles, electronic equipment etc.
    ~ radiographic testing of welds and joints
    ~ failure analysis
    ~ testing and measuring of environmental indicators: air and water pollution etc.
    ~ certification of products, including consumer goods, motor vehicles, aircraft, pressurized containers, nuclear plants etc.
    ~ periodic road-safety testing of motor vehicles
    ~ testing with use of models or mock-ups (e.g. of aircraft, ships, dams etc.)
    ~ operation of police laboratories

  • Group 821
    Office administrative and support activities
    This group includes the provision of a range of day-to-day office administrative services, such as financial planning, billing and record keeping, personnel and physical distribution and logistics for others on a contract or fee basis.
    This group includes also support activities for others on a contract or fee basis, that are ongoing routine business support functions that businesses and organizations traditionally do for themselves.
    Units classified in this group do not provide operating staff to carry out the COMPLETE operations of a business. Units engaged in one particular aspect of these activities are classified according to that particular activity.

  • Division 56
    Food and beverage service activities
    This division includes food and beverage serving activities providing COMPLETE meals or drinks fit for immediate consumption, whether in traditional restaurants, self-service or take-away restaurants, whether as permanent or temporary stands with or without seating. Decisive is the fact that meals fit for immediate consumption are offered, not the kind of facility providing them.

    Excluded is the production of meals not fit for immediate consumption or not planned to be consumed immediately or of prepared food which is not considered to be a meal (see divisions 10: Manufacture of food products and 11: Manufacture of beverages). Also excluded is the sale of not self-manufactured food that is not considered to be a meal or of meals that are not fit for immediate consumption (see section G: Wholesale and retail trade; ...).

  • Division 61
    This division includes the activities of providing telecommunications and related service activities, i.e. transmitting voice, data, text, sound and video. The transmission facilities that carry out these activities may be based on a single technology or a combination of technologies. The commonality of activities classified in this division is the transmission of content, without being involved in its creation. The breakdown in this division is based on the type of infrastructure operated.
    In the case of transmission of television signals this may include the bundling of COMPLETE programming channels (produced in division 60) in to programme packages for distribution.

  • Division 82
    Office administrative, office support and other business support activities
    This division includes the provision of a range of day-to-day office administrative services, as well as ongoing routine business support functions for others, on a contract or fee basis.
    This division also includes all support service activities typically provided to businesses not elsewhere classified.
    Units classified in this division do not provide operating staff to carry out the COMPLETE operations of a business.

  • Section F
    This section includes general construction and specialized construction activities for buildings and civil engineering works. It includes new work, repair, additions and alterations, the erection of prefabricated buildings or structures on the site and also construction of a temporary nature.

    General construction is the construction of entire dwellings, office buildings, stores and other public and utility buildings, farm buildings etc., or the construction of civil engineering works such as motorways, streets, bridges, tunnels, railways, airfields, harbours and other water projects, irrigation systems, sewerage systems, industrial facilities, pipelines and electric lines, sports facilities etc.

    This work can be carried out on own account or on a fee or contract basis. Portions of the work and sometimes even the whole practical work can be subcontracted out. A unit that carries the overall responsibility for a construction project is classified here.

    Also included is the repair of buildings and engineering works.

    This section includes the COMPLETE construction of buildings (division 41), the COMPLETE construction of civil engineering works (division 42), as well as specialized construction activities, if carried out only as a part of the construction process (division 43).

    The renting of construction equipment with operator is classified with the specific construction activity carried out with this equipment.

    This section also includes the development of building projects for buildings or civil engineering works by bringing together financial, technical and physical means to realize the construction projects for later sale. If these activities are carried out not for later sale of the construction projects, but for their operation (e.g. renting of space in these buildings, manufacturing activities in these plants), the unit would not be classified here, but according to its operational activity, i.e. real estate, manufacturing etc.

  • Section I
    Accommodation and food service activities
    This section includes the provision of short-stay accommodation for visitors and other travellers and the provision of COMPLETE meals and drinks fit for immediate consumption. The amount and type of supplementary services provided within this section can vary widely.

    This section excludes the provision of long-term accommodation as primary residences, which is classified in Real estate activities (section L). Also excluded is the preparation of food or drinks that are either not fit for immediate consumption or that are sold through independent distribution channels, i.e. through wholesale or retail trade activities. The preparation of these foods is classified in Manufacturing (section C).

  • Section J
    Information and communication
    This section includes the production and distribution of information and cultural products, the provision of the means to transmit or distribute these products, as well as data or communications, information technology activities and the processing of data and other information service activities.

    The main components of this section are publishing activities (division 58), including software publishing, motion picture and sound recording activities (division 59), radio and TV broadcasting and programming activities (division 60), telecommunications activities (division 61) and information technology activities (division 62) and other information service activities (division 63).

    Publishing includes the acquisition of copyrights to content (information products) and making this content available to the general public by engaging in (or arranging for) the reproduction and distribution of this content in various forms. All the feasible forms of publishing (in print, electronic or audio form, on the internet, as multimedia products such as CD-ROM reference books etc.) are included in this section.

    Activities related to production and distribution of TV programming span divisions 59, 60 and 61, reflecting different stages in this process. Individual components, such as movies, television series etc. are produced by activities in division 59, while the creation of a COMPLETE television channel programme, from components produced in division 59 or other components (such as live news programming) is included in division 60. Division 60 also includes the broadcasting of this programme by the producer. The distribution of the COMPLETE television programme by third parties, i.e. without any alteration of the content, is included in division 61. This distribution in division 61 can be done through broadcasting, satellite or cable systems.