Hairdressing and other beauty treatment, Class 9602

The SIC code for Hairdressing and other beauty treatment is 9602

SIC Code 9602

Hierarchy of Class 9602

  • Section SOther service activities
  • Division 96Other personal service activities
  • Group 960Other personal service activities
  • Class 9602Hairdressing and other beauty treatment

List of terms related whith SIC Code 9602

What activities does the Class 9602 contain?

This class includes:

~ hair washing, trimming and cutting, setting, dyeing, tinting, waving, straightening and similar activities for men and women

~ shaving and beard trimming

~ facial massage, manicure and pedicure, make-up etc.

What activities does not the Class 9602 contain?

This class excludes:

~ manufacture of wigs, see 3290