Our internal search engine shows all items that contain the query "auditing accounts" in the title or the explanation of all SIC items.
There are 5 results searching for your query: AUDITING ACCOUNTS
- Trusts, funds and similar financial entities
... investment funds
- trusts, estates or agency ACCOUNTS, administered on behalf of the beneficiaries ...
Class 6430 - Legal and accounting activities
... accounting and bookkeeping services such as AUDITING of accounting records, preparing financial ...
Division 69 - Accounting, bookkeeping and AUDITING activities; tax consultancy
Group 692 - Accounting, bookkeeping and AUDITING activities; tax consultancy
... from businesses or others
- preparation or AUDITING of financial accounts
- examination of accounts ... ... or others
- preparation or auditing of financial ACCOUNTS
- examination of ACCOUNTS and certification of ...
Class 6920
- Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.
... insurance (for antiques, jewellery, etc. )
- bill AUDITING and freight rate information
- activities of ...
Class 7490