List of SIC Activities that contain "aviation navigation"

If you need a list of SIC activities related with the query "aviation navigation", in this page you have a selection of best results

Searching for "AVIATION NAVIGATION" into SIC

Our internal search engine shows all items that contain the query "aviation navigation" in the title or the explanation of all SIC items.

There are 5 results searching for your query: AVIATION NAVIGATION

  • Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control equipment
    ... includes the manufacture of search, detection, NAVIGATION, guidance, aeronautical and nautical systems and ...
    Class 2651
  • Wholesale of other machinery and equipment
    ... machinery n. e. c. for use in industry, trade and NAVIGATION and other services This class also includes: - ...
    Class 4659
  • Passenger air transport
    ... purpose of passenger transportation - general AVIATION activities, such as: . transport of passengers ...
    Class 5110
  • Service activities incidental to water transportation
    ... and piers . operation of waterway locks etc. . NAVIGATION, pilotage and berthing activities . lighterage, ...
    Class 5222
  • Non-life insurance
    ... insurance . property insurance . motor, marine, AVIATION and transport insurance . pecuniary loss and ...
    Class 6512