List of SIC Activities that contain "body cream"

If you need a list of SIC activities related with the query "body cream", in this page you have a selection of best results

Searching for "BODY CREAM" into SIC

Our internal search engine shows all items that contain the query "body cream" in the title or the explanation of all SIC items.

There are 5 results searching for your query: BODY CREAM

  • Manufacture of dairy products
    ... of milk-based drinks - manufacture of CREAM from fresh liquid milk, pasteurized, sterilized, ...
    Class 1050
  • Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery
    ... and glass) - manufacture of centrifuges (except CREAM separators and clothes dryers) - manufacture of ...
    Class 2819
  • Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing
    ... of machinery for the dairy industry: . CREAM separators . milk processing machinery (e. g. ...
    Class 2825
  • Restaurants and mobile food service activities
    ... pizza delivery - take-out eating places - ice CREAM truck vendors - mobile food carts - food ...
    Class 5610
  • Activities of sports clubs
    ... swimming clubs . golf clubs . boxing clubs . BODY-building clubs . winter sports clubs . chess ...
    Class 9312