Our internal search engine shows all items that contain the query "cocoa" in the title or the explanation of all SIC items.
There are 5 results searching for your query: COCOA
- Growing of beverage crops
... of beverage crops:
. coffee
. tea
. maté
. other beverage ...
Class 0127 - Post-harvest crop activities
... preparation of tobacco leaves
- preparation of COCOA beans
- waxing of fruit
- sun-drying of fruit ...
Class 0163 - Manufacture of COCOA, chocolate and sugar confectionery
... class includes:
- manufacture of COCOA, COCOA butter, COCOA fat, COCOA oil
- manufacture of ...
Class 1073 - Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing
... foods:
. machinery to make confectionery, COCOA or chocolate; to manufacture sugar; for ...
Class 2825
- Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco
... of beverages
- wholesale of coffee, tea, COCOA and spices
- wholesale of tobacco products
This ...
Class 4630