Our internal search engine shows all items that contain the query "skills trainings" in the title or the explanation of all SIC items.
There are 6 results searching for your query: SKILLS TRAININGS
- Specialized construction activities
... to different structures, requiring specialized SKILLS or equipment, such as pile driving, foundation ...
Division 43 - Other specialized construction activities
... access requirements necessitating climbing SKILLS and the use of related equipment, e. g. working ...
Class 4390 - Professional, scientific and technical activities
... of training, and make specialized knowledge and SKILLS available to ...
Section M - Technical and vocational secondary education
... in both theoretical background and practical SKILLS generally associated with present or prospective ...
Class 8522
- Other education n.e.c.
... language instruction and conversational SKILLS instruction
- speed reading instruction
- ...
Class 8549 - Creative, arts and entertainment activities
... the provision of artistic, creative or technical SKILLS for the production of artistic products and live ...
Class 9000