SIC Class 8549: Other education n.e.c.

Classification of the economic activity: Other education n.e.c.

SIC Class 8549

Hierarchy of Class 8549

List of terms related whith SIC Code 8549

What activities does the Class 8549 contain?

This class includes the provision of instruction and specialized training, generally for adults, not comparable to the general education in groups 851-853.

This class does not include activities of academic schools, colleges, and universities.

Instruction may be provided in diverse settings, such as the unit's or client's training facilities, educational institutions, the workplace, or the home, and through correspondence, radio, television, Internet, in classrooms or by other means.

Such instruction does not lead to a high school diploma, baccalaureate or graduate degree.

This class includes:

~ education that is not definable by level

~ academic tutoring services

~ college board preparation

~ learning centres offering remedial courses

~ professional examination review courses

~ language instruction and conversational skills instruction

~ speed reading instruction

~ religious instruction

This class also includes:

~ automobile driving schools

~ flying schools

~ lifeguard training

~ survival training

~ public speaking training

~ computer training

What activities does not the Class 8549 contain?

This class excludes:

~ adult literacy programmes see 8510

~ general secondary education, see 8521

~ driving schools for occupational drivers, see 8522

~ higher education, see 8530

~ cultural education, see 8542