Our internal search engine shows all items that contain the query "education 8559" in the title or the explanation of all SIC items.
There are 20 results searching for your query: EDUCATION 8559
- Programming and broadcasting activities
... in nature (limited format, such as news, sports, EDUCATION or youth-oriented programming) on a subscription ...
Division 60 - Television programming and broadcasting activities
... (e. g. limited formats such as news, sports, EDUCATION or youth oriented programming), may be made ...
Class 6020 - Regulation of the activities of providing health care, EDUCATION, cultural services and other social services, excluding social security
... to increase personal well-being:
. health
. culture
. sport
. recreation
. environment
. ...
Class 8412 - Education
... section includes EDUCATION at any level or for any profession, oral or written as well as by radio and ...
Section P
- Education
Division 85 - Pre-primary and primary education
Group 851 - Pre-primary and primary education
... instruction that gives students a sound basic EDUCATION in reading, writing and mathematics along with ...
Class 8510 - Secondary education
... secondary and technical and vocational secondary ...
Group 852 - General secondary education
... class includes provision of the type of EDUCATION that lays the foundation for lifelong learning and ...
Class 8521 - Technical and vocational secondary education
... class includes EDUCATION typically emphasizing subject-matter specialization and instruction in both ...
Class 8522
- Higher education
Group 853 - Higher education
... of post-secondary non-tertiary and tertiary EDUCATION, including granting of degrees at baccalaureate, ...
Class 8530 - Other education
... group includes general continuing EDUCATION and continuing vocational EDUCATION and training for any ...
Group 854 - Sports and recreation education
... as the unit's or client's training facilities, EDUCATIONal institutions or by other means. Instruction ...
Class 8541 - Cultural education
Class 8542 - Other EDUCATION n.e.c.
... for adults, not comparable to the general EDUCATION in groups 851-853. This class does not include ...
Class 8549 - Other residential care activities
... for self-care, but where medical treatment or EDUCATION are not important elements:
. orphanages
. ...
Class 8790 - Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
... for disabled persons provided that the EDUCATION component is ...
Class 8810
- Other social work activities without accommodation
... for unemployed persons provided that the EDUCATION component is limited
. eligibility determination ...
Class 8890 - Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
... a public cause or issue by means of public EDUCATION, political influence, fund-raising etc. :
. ...
Class 9499