Computer consultancy and computer facilities management activities: Class 6202

The industry of Computer consultancy and computer facilities management activities has the SIC Code 6202

Code 6202 of SIC

Hierarchy of Class 6202

  • Section JInformation and communication
  • Division 62Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
  • Group 620Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
  • Class 6202Computer consultancy and computer facilities management activities

List of terms related whith SIC Code 6202

What activities does the Class 6202 contain?

This class includes:

~ planning and designing of computer systems that integrate computer hardware, software and communication technologies

The units classified in this class may provide the hardware and software components of the system as part of their integrated services or these components may be provided by third parties or vendors.

The units classified in this class often install the system and train and support the users of the system.

This class also includes:

~ provision of on-site management and operation of clients' computer systems and/or data processing facilities, as well as related support services

What activities does not the Class 6202 contain?

This class excludes:

~ separate sale of computer hardware or software, see 4651, 4741

~ separate installation of mainframe and similar computers, see 3320

~ separate installation (setting-up) of personal computers, see 6209

~ separate software installation, see 6209