SIC Codes: Group 382

SIC Codes information: Waste treatment and disposal, Code 382

SIC 382

Hierarchy of Group 382

  • Section EWater supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
  • Division 38Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery
  • Group 382Waste treatment and disposal

Classes inside Group 382

  • Class 3821Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
  • Class 3822Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste

List of terms related whith SIC Code 382

What activities does the Group 382 contain?

This group includes the disposal and treatment prior to disposal of various forms of waste by different means, such as waste treatment of organic waste with the aim of disposal; treatment and disposal of toxic live or dead animals and other contaminated waste; treatment and disposal of transition radioactive waste from hospitals, etc.; dumping of refuse on land or in water; burial or ploughing-under of refuse; disposal of used goods such as refrigerators to eliminate harmful waste; disposal of waste by incineration or combustion.

Included is also the generation of electricity resulting from waste incineration processes.

What activities does not the Group 382 contain?

This group excludes:

~ treatment and disposal of wastewater, see 3700